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No.214 : Anonymous [2016-12-15 00:57] [Report] [SNAP]
>When they say "I am a black person", they are proud niggers, and they think that is OK.
>When they say "I am a muslim", they are proud terrorists, and they think that is OK.
>When they say "I am a feminist", they are proud nazi-warriors, and they think that is OK.
>When they say "I am a trans ", they are proud weirdos, and they think that is OK.
>When they say "I am a gay person", they are proud faggots, and they think that is OK.
>When they say "I am a big person", they are proud snorlaxes, and they think that is OK.
>When they say "I was drunk", they are proud victims, and they think that is OK.
>When they say "I am gender fluid", they are proud schizophrenians, and they think that is OK.
>But when I say "I am white", or "I am englishman", or "I am a male", or "I am able-bodied", or "I am christian", or "I am straight", they think that is n-o-t OK. Because then I am a racist, or a rapist, or an patriarchist, or an oppressor, or a homophobe, or a fat shamer, in one way or another.

Now, where the fuck is the logic in that?


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